Tuesday, August 20, 2013

//No End to my Journey//

Hey there readers! Long time no see! This year has been absolutely crazy. Ever since I joined Youth Staff at our church's youth group it's been difficult to find time to write. I finally graduated from college so now I have oodles of time to write! I just haven't -.- I've been thinking about this blog recently and how so much has happened since my last post in February. Since then, our youth staff has gone to a leadership conference, our youth group has gone to Evoke youth conference and we all took a trip up to Lake Stevens for a week long youth camp. God has been rocking the lives of the students AND of the leaders! Many were called into ministry and it's been such an adventure! There has also been a lot of struggle over the last few months. One of our youth staff as been in the hospital for a number of weeks fighting sickness, one of our church elders is back in the hospital for cancer treatment, and then friends of Kevin and mine were in a car wreck and are recovering, one still in critical condition and the other was able to go home. We thank God for His healing power and for the work that He has been doing. Through all of these events we have all been drawn closer together as a church in prayer and hope that we are going to witness God moving in his people and bringing the sick back to us completely restored! I have had the incredible opportunity to witness this firsthand. A woman in my church has a son who was in a terrible accident leaving him unable to fully control his muscles and move around like before the accident. As a result he lost a lot of muscle and they have me come in a massage him twice a month. It has been such a blessing to get to visit him every other week and see his progress with each visit! We are expecting a full recovering one day because we all have faith that God is going to completely restore his body!
Now I am going to come back to the focus of my post today. Remember the reason why I started this blog? Well, I finally found my answer. I have finally reached the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, only to discover that there was a whole train of rainbows and pots of gold after that one! Yes, I finally discovered what it means to love but I also realize that this is not the end of my journey.
Let me tell you a little bit about my relationship with my boyfriend, in case you don't know any of this or haven't read any of my previous posts. Ever since the beginning of my dating "career" (ugh I hate to call it that!) I have been almost afraid to use the word love in fear of using it and not really meaning it. I have always known that it was a very strong word, especially when using it with a significant other. When I first started dating my incredible boyfriend, Kevin, I made it extremely clear that I would not be using that word anytime soon. In fact, I didn't plan on telling him I loved him until we were at the altar getting married!!! So for the next year and a half he very patiently waited and our relationship got stronger and we fell for each other more and more every single day.
The moment that I finally discovered that I was in love, I was sitting on my bed getting ready to fall asleep and I was thinking about all of the examples of true love that I see every week in the church and at my home. All of a sudden, it was as if God just started speaking to me and pouring all of these definitions of love into my head and I quickly ripped out a piece of paper and started writing a letter. Keep in mind that I have written and rewritten this letter many MANY times in the past but I was never able to get it quite right. It just wasn't the right time. When I finally finished writing, I had used every single line of the page, front and back, signed it, and immediately called my best friend to read it out loud. She couldn't believe how perfect it sounded! I actually couldn't believe that I had written it either.
The next day I had the letter in the pocket. Kevin and I have written each other letters in the past but we usually save them and read them later. For some reason, he knew that this letter was different and he asked if he should read it now. I couldn't believe it! This was exactly how I imagined that he would read it. I hugged him as he read my letter out loud and we both got a little choked up at some parts. After finishing reading the letter, he looked me in the eyes and gave me one of his perfect off-the-top-of-his-head discourses that seemed pre-written. It is a gift that he has the I lack. I have to spend an hour writing a sentence that he could think of in ten seconds. I think that I almost cried listening to his poetic speech. Then we hugged it out and our relationship has been absolutely thriving ever since!
We have since then taken up a challenge of over using the word love and arguing over who loves the other more. It's all very cute stuff.
So, that is all that I have for you right now. Love you all! Thanks for reading(:

//Brittany Danielle//

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