Tuesday, February 26, 2013

//Share the Love//

Over the last few days, God has been speaking so much into my life!! It's been so exciting to hear what he has to say. Yesterday, He spoke to me through a classmate and then later that evening though my boyfriend. Today, while I was preparing a pizza for class tomorrow and listening to music, God basically told me what I was going to do with this Blog and where it was going to go. He didn't give me and details or tell me exactly how it was going to work. All He have me was a few words. "Share the Love Campaign." I immediately pulled out my ear buds, stopped rolling out the pizza dough I was rolling out, and began to talk to God. "What does that mean? What do you want me to do?" But I was honestly just so excited. God is finally giving me the first directions for where He wants me to go!
My Youth Pastor has assigned the youth staff to read a book called "Greater." If you have the time to read it I highly recommend it. It will change your life. The last couple of chapters have been about Elisha and his works for God. Chapter 4 was called Burn the Plow and this chapter completely blew my mind. Essentially, when Elisha was called to ministry, he burned his plows, which were his working tools. This was symbolic of him getting rid of what he was holding onto so that he wouldn't have anything to go back to and so that he could focus on what God had in store for him. Chapter 5 was called Digging Ditches and that chapter told of how when an army was facing a drought and needed water before a war, Elisha told the king to have his soldiers fill the valley with ditches and that God would provide the water that they needed. This involved a lot of faith because the soldiers had to act on faith that God would bring rain to hydrate them. The more that they prepared for God to bless them, the more they were blessed. Okay, I'm done recapping.
The author of the book and I share a similar "plow" that needed burning. We both grew up wanting to be rock stars and living a life on the stage. Yes, I've always wanted to be in a band and sing for the rest of my life. Surprised? Didn't think so. I had actually been messaging someone I knew in a band about recording a song with them and I was so excited that when He didn't respond immediately to my message at 12 am... I actually cried. It seems silly now that I look back to it but I was probably just really tired. After I was done pouting, I started praying to God and I had been kind of fighting this feeling that this wasn't the direction that I was supposed to take. It has been my life long dream but it's just not God's plan for my life. So I completely surrendered my life to God that night and I told him that I would burn that plow and prepare for what God was going to have me do in my life. I was going to dig ditches everywhere because I wasn't sure what exactly God wanted me to do. Almost the next day, I received a message from the guy in the band saying "I'll talk to the guys." I just kind of stared at the message like "Oh, man." It sparked up hope for my rock star life but I remembered that this isn't going to be my future. Instead, I saw it as a blessing from God. I could almost hear Him saying "Thank you for listening. Have fun but remember not to get caught up in it!"
Back to tonight and my pizza. "Share the Love Campaign." I'm still waiting for God to tell me exactly what this project is going to be exactly but I know that I need to start digging ditches for God to bless this work. This is my first ditch: spreading the word. I almost see this project as a series of conference type get-togethers with speakers and such to spread the word of God and the true meaning of Love. My purpose on this earth is to love others that way that God loves them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope that you'll be a part of this ministry or whatever God wants "Share the Love Campaign" to be. I hope that you'll pray about it with me and please share your thoughts! I apologize if this post seemed a bit scattered or if there are any glaring grammatical errors. It's really late for me and I'm very tired but it was really important that I got this written out. I'll keep updating this blog as God gives me more to share!

If my little summery on "Greater" intrigued you, here's part 1/4 of the video series! http://elevationchurch.org/sermons/greater

//Brittany Danielle//


  1. I loved what you had to say and will pray that God will continue to reveal to you what "Share the Love" means so that you can touch others lives.

  2. It's awesome and encouraging to hear how God's speaking through ya Bree (: Love you!
