Saturday, April 21, 2012

//Getting to know Jesus//

The last few days of my spiritual walk have been so crazy! I just finished my book "The Ishbane Conspiracy" and it's been so inspiring. The book is about a girl named Jillian and her friends Rob, Brittany and Ian. The author writes about their spiritual walks and coming to know God more and after each chapter there is a letter from one demon to another. The idea is that each demon is assigned to a person and their goal is to make sure that person does not go to heaven. Two demons, Ishbane and Foulgrin, write letters back and forth and reading those letters really gives insight on the enemy's tactics for taking us down and really changed my perspective on the spirit world. Anyway, I really enjoyed the book because it challenged my views and made me want to seek after God so much more! I'm really excited to dive into a few more Randy Alcorn books in hopes that they are just as good as this last one(:
Over the last few months I've spent the last fifteen minutes of my day praying to God and thanking Him for everything that He has blessed me with. One thing that I have really been praying for recently has been my school. My teacher, Mr. Davis, has been saying that a revival is going to come in the last weeks of school and I really believe that. Being involved in the school's worship team I have the special opportunity to be a leader in my school and help the other students in blessing God. It's really been an amazing experience. The last few weeks I've been learning piano and now I'm able to be that much more of a part of worship on those Friday mornings. Yesterday morning was, I think, the beginning of the revival. Worship was incredible and the students really reached out. Please join me in praying for the student body and the teachers.
Dear Lord, I pray for my school, Vancouver Christian. I pray for the principal, Mr. Miller, and that you would guide Him in decision making and that he would run the school to your favor. I pray for the teachers and that they would be there for the students. Please help them to have to right words to speak and lead the students toward you. I pray for our student counsel, Jacob Millay, Mike Polyakov, and Andrew Evanson and that they would be leaders for our school and examples to the other students. Please guide them to a closer and more personal relationship with you and help them to lead others to you. And, Lord, I pray for myself. Please help me to be a leader and an example and help me to glorify your name through my actions. Please give me the words to speak and help me to be more like you. Amen. 
I'm so excited for what God has in store for this school. I really think that it's a very special and unique place and I am so very thankful that I have the privilege to graduate from there in two months!

//Brittany Danielle//